Empower Mind PLLC

Social Anxiety

It may not bother you that you have few if any friends or that you prefer your own company to that of others. But when your isolation leads to feelings of inadequacy or hinders potential opportunities, seek treatment for a common disorder called social anxiety. While social anxiety may not carry the same level of risk that mental health disorders like depression or eating disorders do, it can leave your life empty and devoid of positive relationships.


Isolation and a preference for solitude may seem harmless, but when it hampers your potential and leaves you feeling inadequate, it’s time to address social anxiety. Seek treatment for this common disorder that, while not as severe as others, can leave your life empty and devoid of meaningful relationships.

Do I Have Social Anxiety?

Most people care about others; it’s human nature. And if you’re like most people, you care about what others may think of you and your behavior. This quality allows you to form relationships, do well at work and be dependable. But it can also cause social anxiety, a fear of being observed and evaluated by others.

Social anxiety is an extremely common experience. In fact, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in the country.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder usually appear when you’re around other people. These signs include:

Even if you don’t meet the criteria for social anxiety disorder, social anxiety treatment can help you deal with social situations better. Once you improve your social skills, your quality of life gets better too.

What Are the Risk Factors of Social Anxiety?

There are many factors that put you at risk of developing social anxiety, for instance:

  • Your genes and your environment both contribute to your risk of developing social anxiety disorder.
  • A difficult childhood may play a role, but you can develop social anxiety without any childhood trauma.
  • If you’re a devoted introvert, you may not be too worried about having social anxiety, but spending too much time alone can mushroom into a mental health condition.

Many people with social anxiety disorder end up having regrets, feeling like they aren’t fully living life. They do want to have relationships with others. Their problems usually begin when social anxiety prevents you from:

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A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others. If you have or think you might have a mental illness, the first thing you must know is that you are not alone.

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