Empower Mind PLLC

Child & Adolescent

Child Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Early treatment Child Anxiety Disorder Treatment and intervention can improve a child’s long-term mental health prospects.

Anxiety and Mood Disorders are Increasingly Common in Children

For our children to reach their fullest potential, we know that emotional health is as important as physical health. Psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, ADHD, and trauma are some of many mental health problems that impact emotional development in youth. Additionally, environmental stressors such as social difficulties, donnish problems, and ongoing family conflict can also have a significant impact.

At The Empower Mind, we work with children, adolescents, and their family members to combat common mental health problems, such as childhood depression, social anxiety, phobias, separation anxiety, and adjustment problems caused by young children and adolescents struggling in school, as well as other typical fears and worries. Our specialized child psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists offer age-appropriate treatment for children as young as 2 years old, teaching behavioral strategies and coping skills that reduce the symptoms of anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, and other mental health disorders.

Children and adolescents are dealing with more anxiety and mental health problems than ever before; family, school, and social pressures are common. While nervousness, fears, worry, and sadness are normal experiences for everyone, sometimes these experiences can be overwhelming and significantly impact a young person’s life. Up to 12% of children are affected by anxiety disorders, with symptoms often appearing in children as young as preschool age.

When to Seek Treatment

Seeking a consultation with a health professional, such as a child therapist, pediatric psychiatrist, or pediatrician can be very helpful when dealing with mental health issues. These professionals can assess your child and direct you toward the appropriate resources, which could include individual therapy, family therapy, psychiatric services (including medication consultation), or psychological and neuropsychological assessment. By beginning treatment when your child’s symptoms first appear, you improve their potential for a healthy life and empower your child to navigate life more easily.

When to Seek Treatment – Signs and Symptoms:

  • My child avoids taking risks that other kids his age engage in.
  • My child won’t go to birthday parties and avoids social situations. She won’t speak to anyone outside the family.
  • My son’s anxiety seems to last longer than his friends. He is always worried and asking us for reassurance.
  • My middle school age daughter won’t sleep over at friend’s houses.
  • My child refuses to go to school for days at a time.
  • My teenage son is always complaining about headaches and stomachaches and our doctor tells us he is anxious.
  • My child is much more active than his friends and he can’t pay attention in school.
  • My child is having difficulty sleeping. His normal sleep patterns have been totally disrupted.
  • My child has excessive fears and phobias of specific things like dogs, thunderstorms, insects, or getting sick.
  • My child’s behavior has changed; she seems less interested in activities she used to be into or less engaged with family and peers than before.

We Can Help

The Empower Mind’s Child and Adolescent program includes highly trained child psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and therapists who provide evidence-based assessment and treatment. A typical assessment includes a focus on your child’s strengths and weaknesses to understand your child in the context of their environment, both at school and at home. Our treatment providers value the importance of ongoing clinical consultation with important figures in your child’s life. We regularly work with schools, pediatricians, and others to inform the most comprehensive and effective treatment.

Our team of psychologists and therapists has advanced training in a range of therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and family therapy. In addition, our child and adolescent psychiatrists have specialized training in pediatric mental health, and can prescribe medication when necessary that is appropriate for your child’s condition.

Psychological and neuropsychological testing are also helpful tools when trying to understand the source of a young person’s struggles. Often these kinds of assessments are recommended by school and medical professionals to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a child or teen’s cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses. An assessment of social and emotional functioning can also provide a more detailed understanding of a young person’s personality and temperament. All these assessments are offered at The Empower Mind.

Parent and Family Support

A positive treatment outcome is impacted by good family support. Parents are always included in our initial consultations and they are an integral part of a child or teen’s treatment. We recognize how important it is to teach parents and often the entire family the best ways to respond to your child or teen during their times of need.

Parent support is often recommended for school-age children. Your child’s clinician can teach tools and strategies to support you in responding most effectively when your child becomes anxious or is acting out. Parents can come for their own treatment or as an adjunct to their child’s treatment.

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A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others. If you have or think you might have a mental illness, the first thing you must know is that you are not alone.

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